All this talk of beauty
Brecht’s stuffed donkey
Actors in falsetto
flailing about in three interminable acts of crisis.
Artistic arsonists
Setting mountains on fire
So they may weep
and in turn inspire
Modalities, meta-text, sub-text, intertext”“tual, Sexual, Meta-sexual
(There’s one for the PHD)
Collaboration… interrogation… provocation
Self….. sacrifice….mutilation…congratulation
Hypothetic… thermic…academics
And if not scraping the century old mould from the kitchen sink
Then off plundering the mythic imaginary.
That endlessly recyclable realm of post-modernist-modernisms.
So removed and obscure that you dare risk meeting any part of yourself inside of it.
Hoary tales made heady with whimsy
Unfamiliar with cliché
Too depressing…recent…..relentless.
Glen miller records on a scratchy gramophone.
Surreal fairy-lit French circuses, butcheries and freak shows.
A mass of rock cuts off the rest of the continent
As onwards the Southern tip wafts
in an un-complex cosmos.
Sailing on the breath of a prehistoric yawn. Notes on Cambodia and Thailand